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A versatile dance training course for serious students with an emphasis on the development of each student's potential.
Classes are offered in Ballet, Pointe, Pre-Pointe, Men's, Variations, Repertoire, Contemporary, Character, Improvisation, and will be led by Anna Reznik and Alexei Kremnev, whose dedication to teaching the art of ballet is unmatched.
Alexei Kremnev, Anna Reznik, Ludmila Lupu, Edith Barragan, Braeden Barnes, Ela Olarte
Schedule example for Winter Intensive
9:00AM - 10:30AM - Ballet (Studio 1, 2)
10:45AM - 11:30PM - Pointe, Partnering (Studio 1, 2)
11:30PM -12:00PM - Short break or Men's (Studio 1, 2)
12:00PM - 12:55PM - Classical Repertoire, Variations (Studio 1, 2)
1:05PM - 2:00PM - Character, Contemporary, Neo-classical Repertoire (Studio 1, 2)
2:00PM - 5:00PM - Privates (additional charges)
Tuition - $375
Schedule example for Junior Winter Intensive
2:00PM - 5:00PM - Ballet, Body Conditioning, Pre-Pointe, Character, Contemporary, Improvisation, Repertoire (Studio 2)
Tuition - $225
"Incredible, phenomenal experience", "Energy at A&A BALLET is enormous", "Couldn't be happier with the program!"
- parents and students of the Chicago Winter International Intensive Seminars
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